Friday, July 15, 2011

Q and A

Q- My sister-in-law is planning on doing cloth diapers and wipes. She is planning on using a wipes warmer like you and has asked for advice. For me, I just spray solution on the wipe when I need to use it. What do you do with the warmer? Are the wipes always soaked in solution? How much solution do you put in? What do you do for the diaper bag?

A- Depends on the day ;)
Sometimes I simply run the washcloths under water and put them in the wipes warmer. If I feel that I need to wash out my girl's crevasses, I use the peri wash bottle, from the hospital, with a mixture of water and tea tree oil. My baby is prone to yeast infections and tea tree oil kills and prevents it.

The other way I do it is to soak the washcloths in the tea tree oil and water mixture then put them in the wipes warmer.

I mainly use commercial wipes for the diaper bag. Planetwise makes a small wipes bag for on the go. You could also put them in a ziplock bag (not sure if this would leak). Another option would be to carry dry wipes and a spray bottle in the diaper bag.

Hope that helps :)

Q and A

I've gotten several questions from Facebook. So, I'll post the questions and answers here on the blog.

Q- Sarah! I have a quick question.... I need to buy more dipes. So far I have a stash of bum genius, Flips, and Charlie Banana. They are all sold at the stores I have gift cards to, so I want to buy more of one of those brands. I think I want more Flips because I like the idea that you're washing the inserts more than the shell. A little less laundry, getting to re-use the diaper covers. Do you have or do you know of anyone with experience with Flips? I hate to stock up on one brand with out being able to try them first!
A- I used a stash, I got the for the diaper bag. I just wasn't using them often enough, so I sold them. I did like them. I like them b/c they are one size. They would be easier than the fitted diapers and a cover. When I reuse covers I rotate between two during the day. ( if no poop on cover) I wipe one down with a wash rag and let it dry until the next change, and keep rotating. I think you'll be safe with the Flip. Only down size you can't stuff extra liners like you can pockets for night time.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Personally I wouldn't buy a used diaper from a stranger. I might borrow from a trusted friend, but diapers are kinda like underwear to me, they should have one owner. Now with that said, there are plenty of people who do buy secondhand diapers. I have no problems making money off them! I've had great success selling diapers on ebay.

Some diapers I sold were never worn. In this case, I ordered and tried a particular brand in medium, didn't like it and had a bunch of larges on my hands. Lucky for me I got them deeply discounted and actually made money.

Barely used diapers hold their value as well. Much the same scenario, tried a diaper and didn't like it.

I've sold well used diapers, to trim my stash. (I also sold with the intention of using the money to buy different diapers ;) ) Those don't make you as much money but still sell.

I'm honest in explaining the condition of my diapers, how I've used/not used them, and am specific in how I wash them. I've had good results this way.

Anyways, if you want to try several brands, never fear, you can make some money back on the ones you don't like.