Sunday, May 8, 2011

First in a Series

This will be first in a series of posts about cloth diapers. In the past year I've told many friends our story of cloth diapering our baby girl this past year. We've even converted people, which makes me happy too. My husband keeps referring to this blog I'm going to start on these things, so here it is. I'm only going to post about what our family does. There are tons of blogs and websites who are dedicated to the subject, and I'll let them go into all the crazy amount choices and advice.
So this post is a quick list of things you'll need to start.
  1. 12 newborn diapers, 4ish covers (Really we could have used more, and I might get more for our next baby, but this cut down on disposables for the first 3 months)
  2. 24 one size diapers
  3. 6 fitted diapers, 2 covers
  4. 2 swim diapers
  5. diaper sprayer
  6. diaper pail
  7. 2 diaper bags for pail
  8. 2 wet bags for diaper bag/church/day school
  9. wipes warmer
  10. cloth wipes (Get as many as you can get your hands on, they seem to disappear like socks. We use flannel and cheap baby wash clothes from box stores)
  11. cloth diaper friendly detergent

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