Sunday, July 3, 2011


Personally I wouldn't buy a used diaper from a stranger. I might borrow from a trusted friend, but diapers are kinda like underwear to me, they should have one owner. Now with that said, there are plenty of people who do buy secondhand diapers. I have no problems making money off them! I've had great success selling diapers on ebay.

Some diapers I sold were never worn. In this case, I ordered and tried a particular brand in medium, didn't like it and had a bunch of larges on my hands. Lucky for me I got them deeply discounted and actually made money.

Barely used diapers hold their value as well. Much the same scenario, tried a diaper and didn't like it.

I've sold well used diapers, to trim my stash. (I also sold with the intention of using the money to buy different diapers ;) ) Those don't make you as much money but still sell.

I'm honest in explaining the condition of my diapers, how I've used/not used them, and am specific in how I wash them. I've had good results this way.

Anyways, if you want to try several brands, never fear, you can make some money back on the ones you don't like.

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