Saturday, May 9, 2009

What is style?

I have been feeding my addiction for vintage/flea market/shabby chic decorating with decorating books. I've gotten several off e-bay and picked up a few at the book store. I've always just looked at the pictures to get ideas, but this time I read them cover to cover. I was surprised at the nuggets of insight I came across. Some quotes worth sharing:

"Worn grandeur, the incomplete, the neglected,the crumbling, the cracked, the mismatched, the wrinkled. ..scuffed, chipped, imperfect, scratched moldings, discarded beauty, peeling paint." ~Rachel Ashwell

"A piece of china we use for dinner breaks. We are sorry to loose it , but because we eat off plates in a harmony of colors rather than a pattern that matches exactly, the piece will be replaced. The set of china will continue,slightly different , perhaps slightly richer. This reusing of the old , the worn, and the shabby allows objects to meet their natural fate" ~Rachel Ashwell

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